Arjay McCandless
To a 7 year-old, birthdays take a “google-times-infinity” to come and when they finally do, your typical 7 year-old will ask for a mountain of gifts that reaches the sky, or that one toy they have been dreaming about every night. But Arjay McCandless is no typical 7 year-old. Like most young boys he relishes in playing outside searching for long-legged spiders, cool snakes and basking lizards, but what makes Arjay special is his fervent altruism for the safety of his beloved creatures. When Arjay’s long awaited seventh birthday finally came he asked his friends and family not to bring gifts to his party, but instead donations for SaveNature.Org’s Adopt An Acre® program in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. His very generous party guests donated a total of $175 and Arjay as well as his 9 year-old sister each put in $10 of their hard earned money. An ecstatic Arjay was able to save one and a half acres of rainforest in Costa Rica and ultimately all of the endearing animals that he cares for so much.
If you would like to be featured as SaveNature.Org’s Eco-Kid Spotlight for February 2009 send your environmental story to sharyl@savenature.org.