Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hi! let me show you around

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to the SaveNatureDOTorg blog. We are a pretty interesting environmental non-profit, including 4 signature programs. Adopt An Acre® brings people around the world together for rainforest conservation. Adopt A Reef® allows ocean lovers to save previous coral reefs. To educate the public about these programs and biodiversity protection, our Insect Discovery Lab® serves schools, churches, temples, business, fairs and green theme events by bringing live exotic insects around the Bay Area. Finally our longest running program the Conservation Parking Meter® has over 125 partners and they have been spinning for global conservation, by collecting quarters, nickels and dimes since the 80's!

The programs have also been featured on Big Ideas for a Small Planet on the Sundance Channel, View From the Bay and Bay Area Backroads, in the past 2 years alone. We currently have a t-shirt with that has raised enough money to save 15.5 acres of coral reef thus far. A feature with our director on Jack Hannah inspired a 5 year old to install a Conservation Parking Meter in her hometown of Nye Beach, Oregon and eventually the Oregon Zoo. A FIVE YEAR OLD!?! Were you thinking about conservation at 5!! I sure wasn’t, but children now are, and should be!

Our eclectic staff of just 10 features teachers, musicians, artists, photographers, breeders, conservationists and just plain insect LOVERS. It’s true. Every one of us really does LOVE bugs and if you keep reading I guarantee you’ll hear about some cool ones. Whether it’s one of ours in the lab, a staff member’s personal collection or their experiences with others.

Not only that, we’ll share great ideas on how to get your friends, family, school and community involved with world changing conservation work. We encourage all to post comments, concerns, stories and questions about how you have or plan to work with us to SAVE THIS PLANET! Sharing ideas and giving inspiration is the best way, we believe, to generate change. Don't forget to visit our website, and 2 myspaces, one for and another for the Insect Discovery Lab (add us!!) for so much more information on everything we do.

Welcome all, to the SaveNatureDOTorg blog. Read, learn, react, interact, go out and make a difference! See you soon. You can start reading about bugs right now with this recent Newsweek article praising, of all things, the Dung Beetle. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Alex said...

Very cool. I look forward to reading this. The "No Way" of the Day is a great idea.